Decentralizing (Expanding and Extending) Additional Gravity Equations (AGE)

All bilateral (1+1) journalists on Earth are now differentiating between local-false-human-centric imaginations (local-zero-place-arguments) and additional (1+1) observations (all-observed-Earth-temperatures). This ubiquitous, obvious distinction is easily mapped as additional intelligences (AI) learn to prioritize "Georg Cantor's integrated, unique infinities as paired, Pi-diagonal arguments." That is: Additional Gravity Equations (AGE) map all future bilateral systems (1+1) as thermodynamic, gravitational, evolved, conserved, fifth-to-first-place-arguments: circle (5 points), square (4 points), triangle (3 points), AND diagonal (2 points): between all bilateral coordinates, including all false property claims as local-zero-place arguments: βš›οΈ + βš›οΈ #will = #now = πŸ‰ + πŸ‰ = ⛑️ + 🧠 β‰  -1 🧠.

Decentralized, Ethical Journalism Now (All Fifth-to-First-Place-Arguments):

  • Local-Fifth-Place-Arguments: (Now/All/Weather)

  • Local-Fourth-Place-Arguments: (She/Her/Sister)

  • Local-Third-Place-Arguments: (They/Their)

  • Local-Second-Place-Arguments: (You/Your)

  • Local-First-Place-Arguments: (My/Our)

All reported placeholders are now pointing The Future In General Thermodynamics, between additional (1+1) physical generalizations (predictions and observations), objectively expanding our individual perspectives (My/Our) in terms collective immune systems (Now/All/Weather) opposing Thermodynamic (false) nihilisms. Fortunately, all thermodynamic and mathematical journalisms (like "eating food") amount to absolute future precisions, as immediate temperature measurements (including "emoji" smaller than this solar system, according to "the speed of light" as "darkness is neither evil nor zero") ; for instance: #FridaysForFuture. and c = √(E/m) β‰  -1.

#MSF Mapping Key:

#MSF = πŸ‰ + πŸ‰ = ✌🏾 < 🌎 < 🌞 = πŸ”’ + πŸ‘πŸΎ = 5️⃣ = 🚦+🚦+🚦+🚦+🚦

  • πŸ‰ (Observation Seeds) β€” Bilateral Observations like Sharing Food Now.

  • ✌🏾 (Peaceful Coordination) β€” Bilateral, Decentralized System Balance (1+1)

  • 🌎 (Global Resonance) β€” Third-Place Global Interactions: Expand, Extend, Resist

  • 🌞 (Energy Reflection) β€” Fifth-Place Thermodynamic Expansions: Observe!

  • πŸ”’ (Mathematical Constants) β€” AGE = Additional Gravity Equations

  • πŸ‘πŸΎ (Approval/Validation) β€” Scientific Constants Identify Energy as Now-Else

  • 5️⃣ (Five-Tier System) β€” Fifth-to-First-Place Arguments Include (AI) Feedback

  • 🚦 (Signals) β€” Constant Observational Pi-Refinements Decentralize Perfect Fifths

Alphabetized List of "All" Additional Science & Math Equations ("Evidence"):

(To follow, arranged alphabetically, including AGE-aligned keys such as 1+1β‰ -1, E=mcΒ², Cantor's Diagonal Argument, Noether's Theorem, etc.)

Each human journalist's genetic Pi Mapping Project (reporting additional, ethical arguments against coercive violence disorder (CVD) sets stage for you to continue supporting peace. Likewise (DIY) please investigate and share immediate, practical #neuroscience as already familiar concerning this (Wikipedia-informed) alphabetical list (of AGE: Additional Gravity Equations): 1+1β‰  -1 you: 🧬 #left 🧬 = πŸͺž#leftπŸͺž...

((1+1) pi (√-1) β‰  -1 β‰  Pi).

How To Constantly Report Additional Gravity Equations (AGE)